Monday, December 19, 2011

Birasana Yoga posture

Birasan means the posture of a hero. This is a pose ideal for meditation.

How to do it??

  • Sit on your knees 

  • Interlock the hands and stretch the arms upwards. This will stretch the shoulders. 


 Some Yoga asanas like Kapotasana and Ardha Padmasana needs  bending knee on one way.
 This yoga posture also bends the knee joint and rotates it the opposite way. So it is a good counter balancing yoga posture for the knee joint.

Yoga posture - Ardha Padmasana or Half Lotus pose

This is a asana for meditation. 

How to Do it?
  • Be seated and cross the legs. 
  • Place your one foot on top of the opposite thigh. 
  • Place the hands on the knees. Touch the first finger with the thumb and extend the other fingers out. 
  • The hands can also be placed in front of the chest in prayer position for meditation.
  • You should try to concentrate on the tip of your nose


Sukhasana or relax sitting position as you can catch with the name is an easy exercise to do. But don't ignore this Yoga posture as useless.

Benefits : 

  • It helps you to relax your mind and thus gives you freedom from the garbage of the    race of which you are a member rat.
  • It also helps strengthen lower back and open the groin and hips.
  • It is a very good initial posture of a yoga session

How to do it?

  •   It is very simple. Just sit cross-legged with hands on knees.
  •  Keep your mind cool by deep breathing.
  •  Keep your spine straight and push the sit bones down into the floor. 
  •  Now allow your knees to gently lower. 
  •  If the knees rise above your hips, sit on a cushion or block.
  •  Now it is time to take 5-10 slow, deep breaths.
  •  On the next inhale, raise your arms over your head. 
  •  Then exhale and bring your arms down slowly.
  •  Repeat  it 5-7 times.